Latest Things!
Cool new stuff that Anita is running, involved in or doing!
Online Learning
Anita’s online courses are a great way to get started… whether it’s the 7 Day Secret Confidence Challenge, the Real-Time Goal Setting Workshop, the Four Week Confidence Taster or Rock It the flagship course, there’s something perfect for you to start building the foundations of self confidence at your own pace
Anita is based in Melbourne, Australia and runs workshops and learning opportunities from time to time, including topics such as Making Confident Decisions, Why We Do Weird Things and more.
Check out the Latest Things area above and click on links for more info.
Personal Coaching
Anita offers a limited number of places for one on one coaching sessions to really get the the heart of your confidence challenges and heal. Sessions can be run anywhere in the world through technology platforms such as Messenger voice or via the phone.
For those truly ready to make change only.
Anita’s Mindset Magic Cards are super cute decks of 30 cards that come with solutions to everyday problems like confident decision making, overwhelm, stress, having what you want, positive psychology and more!
Positive Postcards are simple positive messages for you or anyone – whenever a boost is needed…